

Items to Bring
The following items may or may not be needed at this years Cougarfest:

ROCK-N-ROLL                   iPod
Yourself                                Shorts
Beer                                      Sweatshirt
Meat                                      Canadian Repellent  
Tent                                       Paper Plates
Malibu Rum                         Sweet Tunes
Dancing Shoes                   Portugese-to-English dictionary
Matches                                Chips
Paper Towels                      Your A game 
Hot Ladies                            Axe
1 t-shirt                                  Bug Spray
Swiss army knife                Sleeping Bag
Funny Hat                             Pillow
Underpants (panties)         A smile
Drink Fountain                     Wood
Cheese                                 Plenty O'Awesome
Beast Mode                          Devil eyed goat
Xylophone                            Moose castration equipment
Fire                                        Snake with arms hiding behind it's back
Joe Watrous                        Whip - to be Ghostrided
Get Loose Juice                 Nanny Cam
Ken Screven                        Barnyard animals
Green Man suit                   Lock of Barry Melrose's hair
Water skis                           Jimmer Fredette crossover 
A dog                                    Devil horns
Fire                                       Cassette Tapes

Please feel free to ad to the list by emailing wconboy@gmail.com

LINKS: (please feel free to suggest additional links as well)




//www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dc8V0vGwDrU - sample dancing

www.youtube.com/watch?v=LkCNJRfSZBU - Let's do this!!

http://www.treadlightly.org/page.php/responsible-camping/Recreation-Tips.html?gclid=CKzi1eD3mZMCFRUaHgodrFIoYg - safe camping

www.youtube.com/watch?v=qciWEufZ2xA - Oh say can you see

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canada - worse than lemonparty

http://jimbrossard.com/ - real American

//www.youtube.com/watch?v=itEYyDNp7gw - DF and Tiffany (I think we're alone)

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