begins on August 29, 2014 and goes until
September 1, 2014.
BREAKING NEWS: The farmers almanac predicts this years Cougarfest weekend weather as Partly Cloudy and Fully Awesome.
NEWS: 2014 Cougafest is less than a month away. Have you started marinating your steaks?
"Hey, I can't wait for Labor Day Weekend 2014 at Cougarfest. This year should be even better than ever. The usual activities including eating meat, drinking, hiking to Canada, fire construction, spelling, consumption of alcohol, fireworks and dancing our azzes off will all be back this year, plus a few new surprises, so stay tuned!" - someone cool
Location: Cougarfest takes place in a hidden area the heart of the Adirondack Mountains. A beatiful secluded setting in the backwoods area of Warrensburg, NY. The Festival begins when Cougarfest's most experienced woodsman lead the group with only the guidance of the constellation Andromeda (pronounced an-DRAM-mih-duh), which translates in the English language to Chained Maiden, to the location for the weekend long event.